Northstar Clinic
Serving Patients for over 20 years
تسجيل: BR-1878390

معلومات عنا
Northstar Clinic
We have successfully cared for thousands of patients since June 2021 with more seeking care each day now that the temporary clinic in Yurika is up and running. Our medical missions are the first medical encounter (they have never seen a nurse or doctor before) for 95% of our patients in the Yurika Communities (84 Villages) and Manak Village. Most of the patients we encounter during our missions have never sought healthcare services due to a lack of affordability, transportation, access, and health literacy. We have established chronic disease management in all the communities we serve, in addition to acute care management including infectious diseases, malaria, and typhoid. Your support saves lives in these very hard to reach and underserved areas.20
فريق طبي محترف
أدوات طبية عالية التقنية
معمل للتحاليل الطبية
خدمة المرضى
أعضاء الفريق
التق بفريقنامنشأتناالمرافق في عيادتنا
الاستوديوالمزيد عن الداخل